20+ Signs You Are Pregnant With A Boy

signs you are pregnant with a boy

Hello everyone! What are the signs you are pregnant with a boy? We have come up with fun and amazing gender guess signs you may be pregnant with a boy. Previously we have checked 20+ signs you’re having a girl. Are you excited to learn the symptoms of having a boy? Do some people wonder if spotting a sign of a baby boy? We will find out all in detail.

Are you excited to buy baby boy clothes? You can with these fun clues. Generally, The only trustable way to find the gender of the unborn baby is through an ultrasound scan. But it is completely up to you if you want to keep it as a surprise or reveal before the baby is born to prepare for the new baby.

Here we are to trigger your curiosity with ample old wives’ tales. There is no surety in these tales, but it’s always fun to guess your baby’s gender beforehand. Let us discuss baby boy sign one by one all the clues in detail:

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1.Heartbeat – signs you are pregnant with a boy

Heart beat - signs you are pregnant with a boy
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Its generally said that if the baby’s heartbeat is lower than 140 beats per minute, you are pregnant with a boy baby.

2. Belly Shape


Pregnancy belly
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However, if the belly is all in front in shape, there are more chances of having a baby boy.

3. The way You are Carrying – signs you are pregnant with a boy

Heartbeat feel

If you are carrying low it is one of the signs of having a baby boy.

4. Breast Size during Pregnancy

If your right breast is larger than the left one most probably you are pregnant with a boy baby.

5. Morning Sickness Gender

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If you are comparatively fine and nausea and hormones are manageable you are having a baby boy.

6. Tummy Time mirror

When you are looking at the mirror and do this for a minute or so. Your pupils dilate are the signs you are having a baby boy.

7. Salty cravings during pregnancy

Salty food
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It is commonly predicted based on cravings basically the food cravings of the expecting mother.  If a mother craves salty food such as cheese, chips, and proteins. she is guessed to be pregnant with a baby boy.

8. Ring Gender Test – signs you are pregnant with a boy

When you tie the wedding ring over your tummy and start swinging. It starts moving round and round it is said you are pregnant with a baby boy according to old wives tale.

9. Cold feet during pregnancy – signs you are pregnant with a boy

Legs Pain in second trimester

Some even say feeling cold early pregnancy twins. But there is no evidence. If the expectant mother has cold feet more often during pregnancy it is the having boy symptoms.

10. Dry skin during pregnancy

Dry Skin As Skin Problem

People say dry skin during pregnancy means boy. Even dry, itchy skin during pregnancy boy or girl? Generally, it is said if you are having dry and flaky skin you are pregnant with a baby boy.

11.Ways To Determine Baby Gender By Bump By Mayan Gender Prediction

This gender prediction analysis is based on:

  • age of the mother
  • year of conception.

If the answer is :

If one is odd and the other is even, She is carrying a baby boy.

12. Hair growth during pregnancy

If you are having bright and shiny hair throughout pregnancy. Even the hair becomes soft and grows beautiful during pregnancy. You can even checkTop 10 ways to treat Hair loss Post Pregnancy.

13. Hair on legs during pregnancy – signs you are pregnant with a boy

It is said some expectant mothers tend to have increased hair growth on legs says to be pregnant with a boy. But there is no scientific evidence behind this fact.

14. Headache during pregnancy and gender

Headache in second trimester

If the expectant mother is more prone to frequent headaches during pregnancy it is said you are having a boy baby.

15. Direction of the pillow – signs you are pregnant with a boy

If your pillow faces North when you sleep it’s guessed you are pregnant with a boy baby.

16. Sleeping side during pregnancy

Proper sleep

You lie down on your left side when you sleep.

17. Boy symptoms urine color

Colour of urine - signs you are pregnant with a boy
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If you are generally passing bright yellow urine you are supposed to be carrying a boy.

18. Love Making Time

During the lovemaking process at the time of conception if you are more aggressive at that point than your partner maybe you have conceived a baby boy.

19. Older sibling

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It is believed that if your older child’s first word was “Dada” when he/she started talking.

20. Skull theory – signs you are pregnant with a boy

When an expectant mother goes for an ultrasound scan. The baby’s forehead is sloping and the lower jaw is square-shaped. Many people believe in skull theory. You are having a boy baby.

21. Baby Gender By Hands Texture

Women who have dry hands during their pregnancy are supposed to be pregnant with a baby boy.

22. Linea Negra

Pregnancy line
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If the Linea Negra reaches up to the ribs section there are more chances of the baby boy.

Happy Guessing!

So, These are the fun guesses you can try out to predict if you are pregnant with a baby girl. But remember! These are mere guesses and there is no scientific evidence behind these theories. I am sure you are part of our amazing group “Pregnancy Support Group” Till then Happy Guessing and Healthy pregnancy!

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